When your heart speaks… you listen.

The truth of what actually happens when you follow the call of your heart…

Welcome to our real deal adventure… the nuts, the bolts, the nitty gritty grime… the highs and lows… the challenges and hopefully the bliss of Universal flow.  Here,  we’ll be sharing our journey as we act on the call of our hearts and transition into a completely new life in completely different country.

They say that life begins at 40… but we say it’s 50.  Because that’s the decade we’ve recently found ourselves in… and it scared the hell out of us.  We decided that life’s too short and it’s time to really start living instead of hoping that ends will just miraculously meet.

So we’re bucking the trend… we’re packing up our average grey life in Scotland and heading to the stunning Spanish Alpujarra to start anew.  A simpler life.  A healthier life.  A warmer life.  A more fulfilling life.   A whole new life and a whole new us.  It’s just me, my partner Scott and our Max.

We’re not what you’d call a conventional couple.  I’m a channel and healer… what I do is well ‘wuwu’ and out there… and it transforms lives.  And Scott successfully flew within the heady heights of international corporate kingdoms… until he woke up and chose to ‘save’ his life and give it all up .   And Max?  Well, Max is ‘our boy’.  He’s an old rescue greyhound… an ex-racer turned professional sofa surfer and the size of a mini pony.

Here in this space, there will be no holds barred.  No airy-fairy dreams being fluffed and faked.  No ultra-spiritual illusions of perfect hippydom.  Just grounded truth and insight along with the ability to find the humour and embrace the lessons as we go.

We may still be in Scotland… but the journey’s already begun and I hope you’ll join us along the way.


Sally Claridge