Namaste This goes LIVE!

Here’s something a little bit different for you all today!

This morning we woke up to hear the water unexpectedly gushing in full force along the acequia channel on the terrace below our wee hoose and as we didn’t get any water last week at our allotted time, we… REALLY, REALLY REALLY wanted that water to fill up our deposit.  When you know there’s not going to be any water over the summer months, you kind of get twitchy at the thought of running out and every drop counts. 

So we sent off a furtive WhatsApp through Google translate to the water manager for our area and we were delighted with a superquick replay saying “Cojela.”  What?  We were expecting a simple “Sí or No” back.  We were a bit thrown.  Thankfully Google translate, our much appreciated Spanish best friend, said it meant “Catch her!” “Take it!” or something along those lines.  We didn’t need to be told twice.

We were a go!

This morning was absolutely gorgeous… the grey clouds had lifted and there was a clear blue sky and sun was already super bright by 8.30am.  Being outside in nature was calling so I decided to go help My Gorgeous Man… and by help, I actually mean accompany… as he the one that opens the gates, clears the debris and muck from the channels as the water flows… and I basically cheer on from the sidelines and oversee.  Again, oversee is an exaggeration of my importance in the process.  

But then I had a better idea. 

Let’s livestream it!

Last month I was invited to join an online Feminine Business Mastermind Group of six amazing women who all run their own businesses to varying degrees of awesomeness in their own corner of the world.  It’s a way for us self employed, heart based entrepreneurs, to not go loopyloo trying to do it all on our own.  It means we all have support, inspiration, accountability and get a gentle kick up the butt or huge virtual hug when we need it.  So when I was talking about writing the Namaste This book, on the last call,  Katie had said that she would love to know more about our life and actually see what off grid looked like in real terms. 

Some of the most basic things that My Gorgeous Man and I have got used to and take for granted, are actually not normal at all.  So the seed was sown and I was inspired to get Namaste This Blog on Instagram and Facebook into the world of livestreaming and bring a slightly nervous, livestream-shy MGM with me.  Because let’s face it… he’s the REAL star of the show as he’s the one that makes this whole off grid thing work!  I couldn’t do it without him.  Nope.  Truth Bomb.  Mic Drop.

So this morning turned into our first LIVESTREAM appearance!  

We trudged the half mile or so up to where we divert the water down our channel and then hit the blue button to GO LIVE… and that was that!


We may still be in lockdown but our doors are now open and if you want to catch our lives then come on over and ‘Like’ our Facebook page and hit that all important ‘Notifcations On’ button.  We would really appreciate that!  It turns out that having a solid social media platform is really beneficial to getting a book deal.   I know, I mentioned the book again.

THANK YOU for  Liking our page and following us on Instagram where I post daily!

Elsewhere in the world of Namaste This, there’s been a whole lot of ‘wood chopping’ and stacking of the olive tree branches that were pruned in December during our first olive harvest… but I’ll save those stories and photos for next time.  There’s a lot more to it than you’d think!

Wishing you all a fabulous day and until next time… it’s Hasta Luego from us at Namaste This!






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