
Come and join me in Spain for a very special retreat weekend! Staying in the gorgeous Eco-finca above the spa town of Lanjaron, with its lush gardens, olive groves, organic pool and stunning mountain views, you’ll enjoy the privacy of your own room with ensuite facilities, delicious organic vegetarian meals and the space to breathe and just be. This special retreat is not a 'workshop' or 'holiday'. It's a retreat into your heart and You. It's a chance to get away from it all, step away from the stress, drop the drama and have the space to be still and fully present. Throughout the retreat you are held within the continual healing energy current of Channelling Love and supported by the surrounding sacred mountains and inspirational scenery. You are free to spend meditative time alone, relax, go for walks, discover Lanjaron's Moorish Castle and explore the area further... or just sit and read by the pool. And while the channellings and energy of the retreat heals your soul, your physical body is being nourished and revived through organic vegetarian food and non toxic living.

Come and join me in Spain for a very special retreat weekend! Staying in the gorgeous Eco-finca above the spa town of Lanjaron, with its lush gardens, olive groves, organic pool and stunning mountain views, you’ll enjoy the privacy of your own room with ensuite facilities, delicious organic vegetarian meals and the space to breathe and just be. This special retreat is not a ‘workshop’ or ‘holiday’. It’s a retreat into your heart and You. It’s a chance to get away from it all, step away from the stress, drop the drama and have the space to be still and fully present. Throughout the retreat you are held within the continual healing energy current of Channelling Love and supported by the surrounding sacred mountains and inspirational scenery. You are free to spend meditative time alone, relax, go for walks, discover Lanjaron’s Moorish Castle and explore the area further… or just sit and read by the pool. And while the channellings and energy of the retreat heals your soul, your physical body is being nourished and revived through organic vegetarian food and non toxic living.

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